Monday, May 9, 2011

Lady Gaga influence

We were talking about make-up for the prom and words and expressions came up like, "over the top", "feather eyelashes", "big, bright and bold", "Lady Gaga-ish" and "high fashion". Is this just a prom or is she planning her wedding or is this some fashion shoot?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Really, Kayla?!?

If you know really know Kayla, you know she is over the top. So in the "getting excited about prom" phase, she wanted to wear a Lady Gaga hair bow to prom. I promptly halted that ideal. Sooo about a month ago, we were vendors at Arlington Downtown Farmers Market and there was a vendor there selling hair accessories. And guess what she had???? A head band with a huge bow on it with a veil down the back. She fell in love with it. Actually, it was cute and I could really see her wearing something like this to the prom.

Now we are in the process of getting her sister to do a sketch so she can get a picture in her head and so she can show all of her friends, like she did the shoes.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Finally....Some Excitement

Since freshman year, my daughter, Kayla hasn't been thrilled about the ideal of prom. Everytime I brought up the subject, it was just "Mom, I'm not going". I thought she was afraid she wouldn't have a date, but I told her she didn't need a boy to have a great time. She could go with her friends and have a really great time. Well now we fast forward to senior year. I saw a change around the second month of school. Not sure if it was the fact that she was NEVER going to have this chance again, or her friend threating to drag her there because her mom was making her go, she changed her mind. AND she is going with a group of her girl friends. No boys. I wonder where that ideal came from????? Anywho, she began to look online for dresses and hasseling me about when we are going shopping. She even picked out her shoes and showed everyone for their approval. What do you think?

So we went shopping. We went to Whatchamacallit, (Pagent dresses) Group USA (too many of the same dresses) and Gala (too many of the same dresses and poor quality dresses). I was never a fan of seeing what I'm wearing coming and going so I made the BOLD move to make her dress. Something no one else would have. So I will using this blog to track my progress. Wish me luck. I'm gonna need it.

Monday, November 22, 2010


I'm going to continue my giveaways here instead of facebook. Still in the spirit of making room this week's giveaways are sundresses for bigger girls, size 2 to 4. All dresses are 100% cotton, machine wash on cold, dry on low heat.

This is the blue flower sundress. Comes in size 4 with matching panties. From back of neck to hem is 22 inches. White rick rack trim around the hem and collar with clear flower buttons down the back.
This is the pink daisy sundress, size 2 with matching panties. From back of neck to hem is 21 inches. Daisy trim around collar and pockets with pink flower buttons down the back.

This is the cherry sundress, size 3 with matching panties. From back of neck to hem is 21 1/2 inches. Red rick rack around collar with red buttons down the back.

Comment below on which dress you like. Remember if not in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, there will be a $6 shipping charge. Share this link with everyone. 

Friday, May 28, 2010

Small light at the end of the tunnel

This staying focused things is not easy. It takes a lot of effort to stay focused, but I'm sticking with it. My walks are going well. I even added a jog, well more like a trot, to the mix. It takes me about an hour to do 4 miles. It keeps my mind clear and I do a lot of thinking. It's my "me" time. I have noticed that a lot of people don't like to spend time with themselves. They fill up every hour, minute, second with something, work, friends, family, etc. I used to do the same thing. Then I realized that if I didn't take time for myself, I couldn't be the best mother, daughter, wife, employee, girlfriend, Joycelyn I could be. If I keep giving and giving and never take time to replenish, revive and refresh myself, I would eventually burn out, which would not be good for anyone. I also noticed that may don't spend time with themselves because they may be running from something. In the therapy world, they are called escape artist. They will do anything to avoid dealing with a problem or problems. They don't want to see the elephant in the room. From personal experience, the elephant gets bigger and eventually the problem, whatever it is, will catch up with you. So I try to spend time with myself so I can see clearly how to deal with problems or ways to keep myself moving in the right direction or whatever. I have come to enjoy it, even setting some walking/running goals that I really see myself accomplishing. What do you do to spend time with yourself? Thanks for sharing.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Cloudy but getting clearer

Ok. The knee is better. I really need to get back on my exercise routine. Those morning walks are so refreshing and clears my mind. I often think of solutions to problems or more creative things I want to do or try. I want to lose at least 15 pounds and I'm giving myself until September to do so. I think that is a reasonable amount of time. I have all these dresses that I made but can't wear. Very frustrating. It's something about a dress, that fits well and shows your shape that is soo sexy. I think so anyway. So I have the running shoes and workout wear set out by the bed. It's amazing that once I get into my routine, I really enjoy exercising. It's getting in the routine that's the HUGE problem. Since I have had some light bulb moments and personal revelations, maybe I can stick to this lifestyle change. I'm calling out Margaret. I hear she is joining Curves so she can wear a fairy costume for the Cowtown Indie Bazaar. Maybe we can be each others cheerleader. I know it helps me when I put it out there for all to see and have to be accountable to someone.  But no fairy is complete without the wings and something on the head. We gotta work on those wings for sure. Sorry Margaret but I can't wait.

Who/what do you turn to if you need to stay on track and keep going? Thanks for sharing.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Still Trying to Focus

I'm getting discouraged. I was all set to start exercising and my knee is giving me the blues. I don't know if it's the weather, or the fact that years ago my doctor told me I needed to stop kickboxing, step aerobics and running and do more swimming, aqua aerobics and cycling. Well since I hate cycling and don't know how to swim, I totally ignored his professional advice. Now I think I'm paying the price. So I'm trying to stay focused on my Etsy shop, coming up with new designs, blogging and doing some home improvements. Yesterday I met with some team member at a local coffee shop. I was so inspired. We were brainstorming about some creating some small craft shows and venting about being a crafter/small business owner/self-employed or whatever you want to call it. I need more of those meeting to keep me fresh and going. On the drive home, I had so many ideals. Here is where a digital recorder would have come in handy. I'll put that on my long list of "supplies" I need to buy. What gets you inspired? What do you do to stay focused or get re-focused? Thanks for sharing.